Meet Autumn

Autumn Bear 3rd Day Living

Hi, I’m Autumn! I’m hear to walk with you through the seasons of life, and empower you to live fully each step of the way.

Young Living Oils

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What is a Raindrop Session?

Raindrop Technique is a sequence of anointing with oils and laying on of hands that brings structural and electrical alignment to the body in a relaxing and invigorating manner through the power of essential oils.

What is an Emotional Release Session?

Releasing stored emotions at their origin within our beings uncovers the memory of perfection in the cells throughout our bodies–thus enabling us to manifest a fuller measure of the image of God placed within us when we were created.

What is Mentorship?

Each mentorship course consists of 4 one-hour sessions, either as one-on-one sessions or with 1-2 other people. Each session is packed with information and practical steps to guide you through to your best solution.

Taming the Dragon Within

Managing your hormones using a personalized strategy to bring more consistency and fewer limiting side effects.

Bringing More Balance

Discovering physical, emotional, and spiritual blocks and learning how to break through them into greater freedom.

Book Your Appointment

